Released earlier this year, the Geforce GTX 1080 Ti is NVidia’s new flagship gaming graphics card promising to deliver the world’s most advanced GPU architecture. For those of you who do not know, NVidia is one of the leaders in the GPU space, offering a wide number of products catering to all consumers. In this case, NVidia’s Geforce GTX 1080 Ti is absolutely an enthusiast card catering to those willing to spend the extra money to get maximum performance out of their rig. Before buying, my criteria for a new card was being able to play games at 4K resolution, which is 3840 by 2160 pixels (8.3 Million), in addition to being able to power a virtual reality headset. The 1080 Ti fit the bill perfectly, though the price tag of $699.99 can be hard to swallow, consider that this card will be able to perform at a high level for many years to come. So, on the actual review of the card. First, the build quality of the card is great. The card uses the highest-grade materials and looks exception...